2 definitions by moodyboy

Lihi - is a Hebrew name which is written in Hebrew like this ליהיא.
The definition for lihi is she’s mine , li - she’s hi - mine .
There’s is two ways to write lihi , one way like what I’ve olready written, and the second way is ליהי , there’s another meaning for this one from the Bible.

The nickname for Lihi is Lilush , Lili , Lilo and more..
You can write lihi in other ways , lihie , leehee , leehi , and more ...
For example:
Guy 1 : hey Lihi

Guy 2: hey Lihie

And it’ll be the same thing but the definition for the words are differents.
by moodyboy January 4, 2018
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Alistair has a weird hair style, wears white suburban clothing, and has a terrible taste in movies. His personality revolves around being a simp
Alistair is such a simp for that girl!
by moodyboy March 15, 2022
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