5000 of any thing
"Dude, we are gunna make a shit ton of money this summer! It's gunna be awesome!"

"Damn, that a shit ton of dirt, you got to shovel that yourself?!"
by welderflyerboy April 25, 2010
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A measure of volume: The amount of space required to fill 2,000lbs of homogenized fecal matter.
That swimming pool can hold around 400 shit tons of water.
by Kimmbel September 8, 2008
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a lot of a certain thing, can be used as an estimated numerical reference
I had a shit-ton of chicken wings while I was banging this broad.
by skrilla June 17, 2003
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A real unit of measurement equal ton a gazillion. A real standerdized unit of measurement.
by peaches and twiz July 18, 2010
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25 gigabytes.
S - "How big is world of warcraft?"
C - "idk, a shit ton of data"
S - "holy shit, it's 25 gigabytes!"
C - "yeah, a shit ton."
by Kashgar July 4, 2011
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An "official" SI unit.

The unit of measurement for quantity.
Brian: Hey Jeff and Whit, I noticed the kitchen is restocked.

Jeff and Whit: Yes, there is officially a shit ton of food in the kitchen, indulge yourself.

Kayla: yeah'duh
by BH Do Work December 8, 2008
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there was a shit-ton of puss at that party
by Thad December 25, 2002
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