An impossibility; very hard to achieve. Refers to craps term "the hard way" where two dice must be rolled with matching numbers. EX: 6 the hard way would be 3/3, not 5/1 or 2/4. Therefore, 3 the hard way would be im-fucking-possible.
"Jim's chances of giving mary a cleveland steamer are like 3 the hard way"
by Justin9619 January 19, 2006
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In basketball, a play earning 3 points by scoring a 2 point basket, drawing a foul, and converting on the subsequent free throw. This three points requires more toughness than the three point shot, and so is called "three the hard way."
Dwayne Wade drives to the basket makes the layup and is fouled. He'll shoot a free throw to earn 3 the hard way.
by asdfhj January 20, 2006
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A large, detailed font that looks kinda like graffiti painted on a bumpy sidewalk. You can get it for free at
Me: "See, what I did with the splash page here is make 3 theHard way RMX the Heading 1 font and reduce the line-height to 60%, so you can see the grit in the letters without it pushing the graphics off the bottom of the screen."

Person I Am Talking To: "I have no idea what you just said."
by your hair is good to eat April 20, 2005
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The most deplorably, heinous act of participating in sexual congress with one's "sister" and "mother" at the same time.
Now Virgil I'm gonner tell ya, last Saturday night was a real hum-dinger. Me and my sister Tootsie-Lou was "bumpin' nastys" all hot and heavy out in the barn and then come Maw bustin up in there like wildkat demon in heat and hollered "Woooooo Weeeeeee!!! I sho do want in on this here so don't y'all be stingy with the stank!!!"

Well lo and behold! There I was all up in the middle of my first Mississippi 3 Way!!! I figger I'm ready fer big city livin' now!!!!
by Ted Snisha October 14, 2023
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Cindy often has Miles Away 3-ways with her boyfriend and her husband.
by XhibitB January 30, 2021
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The most heinous act of participating in sexual congress with one's own sister and mother.
Virgil, I tell ya I really had a helluva time last Saturday night! I was out in the barn going at it, bumpin nasties all hot and heavy with my sister Tootsie Sue and outta nowhere here comes mama bustin up in to there hollerin'.... "Hells bells lookie here!!! Y'all are sho nuff "stirring the stanky sludgepot and done gone and left me out! No matter, help me pull off my muck boots, we can still get this un across the finish line!"

Now Virgil, that was my first Hillbilly 3 Way but it ain't gonna be my last! I figger I'm a ready for big city livin now!!!
by Ted Snisha October 17, 2023
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A threesome consisting 3 men who have diarrhea poop with the consistency of Detroit-style chilli.
Marco: Hey Ben, I heard that you, Steve, and Jacob had a chilli 3-way last week.

Ben: Yeah it was awesome 😌
by yzBay January 2, 2016
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