the occurrence of mental problems when the daily dose of Taylor Swift songs are not met.
u ok?
i feel like shit idk why tho
whens The Last Time you listend to Taylor?

babe you have Taylor Swift Deprovation
by bonan13 August 28, 2022
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A creative person, usually a writer, a poet, a singer who writes their own lyrics, who draws from personal experiences and infuses their work with it, but will never be as good as Taylor Swift because she IS the music industry. A big part of Taylor Swift's discography is famously known for being inspired by romantic partners from her real life. "Lidl" is a European chain value for money grocery store chain. It is known for having store name brand items for very low prices. Like an Aldi. Any artist essentially can call themselves Lidl Taylor Swift no matter their medium as long as their work is at least inspired by personal events.
nick: how does publishing your short story about your high school bullies feel?
anna: amazing! I felt like Lidl Taylor Swift.
by poetsmith November 22, 2021
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A popular musical artist who says things that she doesn’t really mean, e.g. she talks about how much she likes underdog groups and how she thinks they’re brave, but when members of those groups reach out to her, she and her agents spit in their faces.
Now remember, everybody: don’t be like Taylor Swift. It’s uncool to say things that you don’t really mean.
by Running Half-Assed May 18, 2019
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The definition of "Taylor Swift(ing)" is when your boyfriend/girlfriend/friend/etc. leave you and you complain and deny all purposes of said leaving, as if you are "Writing a song about it"
Taylor Swift(ing) includes: "Come on, Michael... don't be a Taylor Swift." , "Dude, so when I told her I was going to the party, she totally started to Taylor Swift me." . "My boyfriend is kind of making me upset, because whenever I say I need to go he always starts Taylor Swifting."
by Dimple Pump September 21, 2013
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You know what else died besides the old taytay, my childhood
You know what else died besides the old taytay, my childhood. She ruined my childhood. Taylor Swift the pop singer
by Whyruhererightnow June 15, 2018
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When a person makes a post on social media that is about you, but the author doesn't want to actually put your name in the post, like a Taylor Swift song about her exes.
Laura made a post about me, but was too scared to put my name to it. I feel like I've been Taylor Swifted into a vague post.
by Will Murjen November 16, 2019
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The act of pulling down ones pants and using ones hands to skoot across the ground while being video taped.
Hobo: Yo! Did you see Gilbert yesterday!?!!??!?!?

Hammy: HELL YEAH!!! His ass musta been so dirty after Taylor Swifting for so long!
Hobo: Yeah! He probably gave himself Morgs!
by Dr. James Endermanety April 7, 2012
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