A Cad or a bounder. A debaucherous ladies man who will take you out for a nice seafood dinner and then never call.
Said to a friend when he has taken a ladie home for the evening.

"Nice one Out Hound. Split her!"
by Andy Howell June 4, 2007
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A woman only interested in dating a man with money, regardless of race or religious beliefs.
That woman who married that half dead rich guy is obviously a chedda-hound.
by Chedda hater January 16, 2021
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Like found in Black Butler the Character Pluto, he is a dog that when excited turns into a human

He can breathe fire
Sebastian found a CAT becouse he loves them and Pluto awoke and turner into a human and pusher away the Cat and slept in his lap and Sebastian was Disgusted.

The Servents of the Phantomhive family got told to Watch over Pluto and learned him a few tricks,Finnian has a superpower og strength and dragged Pluto but he hated it and Burned Finnian

Thats a demon hound
by Black Butler Fan..... March 11, 2018
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A person actively looking/hunting for a glory hole.
Person 1: Why is John going to the bathroom so much?
Person 2: Don’t mind him, he’s just being a glory hound.
by Lilgey13 December 14, 2018
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A man who actively seeks a woman who has a yeast infection to give her oral sex.
I’ve been a bread hound ever since I first got a whif of my ex during her yeast infection.
by Juarezmiguel April 14, 2019
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One who hounds (engulfs / inhales) as much tool ( male genitals) as they can.
Tool hound: One who hounds (engulfs / inhales) as much tool ( male genitals) as they can.
"That dude looks like a homo."
"Yeah man, a total tool hound"
by choose one January 19, 2016
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One who is always on the hunt for tools. Whether new ones @ the store (HD), Amazon or left behind.
If you have tools youre lookin to toss lemme know cause im a tool hound.
by fan of R.A.d. February 8, 2019
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