Lee Felix is the best boy in the word. He is Aussie. His friend is an egg and he is obsessed with Hyunjin but he don't say it. He wants Seungmin to touch him.
Seungmin: Don't touch me

Felix: Hey Seungmin will touch me I feel so soft and fluffy!!!!!
by Minghao' girlfriend November 20, 2021
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A cute Korean boy who were born and raised in Australia. He loves rapping, dancing and volunteering. His deep voice is so attractive. Everyone loves his cute freckles!
Felix is an angel!
I love Felix's gorgeous freckles!
Felix is the rapper of Stray Kids.
by feliciav June 7, 2018
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felix is a literal sociopath. Did you see him cheat yesterday???
by wordgodgodword April 14, 2020
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Felix is an amazing guy. He can be funny and has an awesome sense of humor. Loves to drink and have a good time. He tends to keep to himself most of the time but is always there to help no matter who you are. He does make promises and breaks them but he knows to say sorry a million and two times. Overall a sweet funny and charming guy.
by Packman12 December 29, 2021
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He is a perfect peson an gets all the girls and he is a prel lover and a panda lover and he loves food he is awsome
Omg he is such a felix i want to be gay so i can be his boyfrend even do he is strait
by Prel and panda lover December 15, 2018
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The word Felix is the Swedish equivalent to Chad. A Felix is good-looking, has swag, and has no problem picking up birds. A Felix is the sexiest guy who has ever walked this planet, truly the pinnacle of mankind. But behind the curtains, he plays Dungeons and Dragons, watches My Little Pony, and pees on snails.

A Felix's drink of choice is typically gluten-free wine with two ice cubes and a straw. As glorious as Felix's tend to be , they always has a Nicki Minaj tattoo on their left butt cheek.
''And the winner of Mister Olympia 2023 is a Felix''
by isacmybrozki July 13, 2023
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