A per who needs to Be Right All the Time

Similar to a Karen
Ugh that woman wouldn’t give it up, she’s such a B. R. A. T.
by The ultimate definor 3 October 13, 2020
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My daughter Kadence's nickname for brat spoiled yes she is and thank you she is loved use them with love please
I love you B-Rat. (I love you spoiled brat ie.laughingly and lovingly used)
by Alicia Larson April 8, 2023
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Big Fucking Sword. A common fantasy trope. This is usually the weapon carried by the protagonist. Can symbolize the burden the hero has to carry, but also the ridiculous amount of power they have. You can find B. F. Swords used in most many popular media these days (anime, videogames, comic books) , with characters like Cloud Strife from Final Fantasy and his Buster Sword, Guts from Berserk or the Odinsword from the Thor comics. This concept probably originates from the Excalibur myth.
The leader of the group is always the one to carry the B. F. Sword.
by Drsmoothoperator June 12, 2019
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A kid that goes bar down on tendys like its his day job, he's the life of the party and is generally associated with banging hot sloots named Victoria or vicky and love to take chicks to pound town
(Bob)"Man your a cullen b!"

(Gerry)" thanks bruh"
by Edward cullen69 November 10, 2014
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people whose names start with the letter b are often slutty, hot and are the ones who loose their virginity first.
person 1: did you hear hannah B lost her virginity?
person 2: well i mean her surname b what did you expect.
by missycupquake July 29, 2016
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a white girl.
The very definition of un-Barbie.
Someone posted another .gif of that Barbie doll looking surprised.
Cracked out B r ie
little weird kid
by Young Jazzy Yo October 31, 2023
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'tri-B' or 'triple B' stands for 'beta-bitch boy'. Commonly used as an adjective and a slur when referring to another male. (can also be used when asserting dominance)
by GasInCoke February 22, 2021
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