when ur trying to be thirsty/a good friend but u can’t decide
B: my arm fell off and now my gf is cheating on me with my pastor
G: aww im sorry fam
by butimnotbitter February 10, 2018
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When your ex still hangs around your family and clings on to them for family occasions like Christmas etc.
My ex just invaded my families Christmas day, so I couldn't take my new partner, they are a Fam-invader.
by Fed up new partner January 2, 2012
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Shishter Fam is a group of people that you are really close to or can really trust so they are like your family.
Mary: you guys are the best shishter fam ever
Jane: Aww we love you too!
by The_Godly_Dude February 1, 2019
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anything that's super dope and trill and you gotta just bust down and tell your homie that what they're doing is lit-money-fam asf!
*Darren* "I just landed a fat fakie muska flip!"
*Kevin* "damnnnnnnnn, that's so lit-money-fam broseph, like damnnnn shlatt life."
by Tupac Reborn February 16, 2022
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a boy/girl group of friends that once had fun at parties but now since they've all dated each other it's super awkward
"are you in fam bam"
"no i hate them though"
by member of fam bam May 20, 2018
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