a guy who identifies and acts as a female.
Laurence is a cock tucker like that Bud Light spokesman, Dylan Mulaney
by totc1 July 19, 2023
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A very cool/ funny guy that is easy to talk to. He thinks he’s hilarious, and because he thinks this, he is. Ethan has great hair and the cutest freckles. He’s such a fun person, as well as a great friend. He is there for you in a way most people can’t be. His smile is infectious, and he has the cutest laugh. He’s so so goofy, and he’s not afraid to show it. Ethan is a very genuine person that is so much fun to have in your life. He’s also an AMAZING kisser. Overall, 12/10 guy.
Girl 1: damn you seen the lips on ethan tucker ??
Girl 2: bitch, I kissed em
by Horsegorl December 26, 2019
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Critical evidence someone claims to have, but that they won't make public. Synonym: Giuliani Files.
The prosecutor said he had absolute proof the defendant was guilty, but the Court would have to take his word for it because it was all Tucker Files.
by JG_in_SB October 30, 2020
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When a person ends up in an unexpected place, such as out of state, on an adventure that ends up working to their advantage. It involves some element of surprise and no notice to anyone else who should have known about the expedition.
Oh yes, he was Tuckering. He's in Kansas buying a boat today. He'll be back to Austin in the morning.
by badblaze24 May 3, 2022
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Being a try hard in an everyday class of gym.
Why the fuck are you tuckering, this is not a PA football game.
by YourSmall April 30, 2019
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When you stick an M&M in your dickhole.
Hey Tucker, what you doing back there with the M&Ms!

Just doing some tuckering, leave me alone Donald
by Lin Linwood January 22, 2022
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