The most toe-curling delectable man to ever walk this earth. Men turn gay for him, women go stray for him. You looking for trouble?
Raky’s husband Austin Butler is the finest specimen on earth.
by 🪨e September 28, 2022
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The ex-screamer for Attack! Attack! and is now in a band called Of mice & men. He is freaking amazing at vocals and did all of the recording for "someday came suddenly" by Attack! Attack! and was also the vocals for the I kissed a girl cover on punk goes pop 2.
"Is Austin Carlile awesome?'
by sonofamitch May 21, 2009
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Austin Cabaniss is the most amazing guy in the world. He gives the best hugs and always smells good. He's the perfect boyfriend and treats his girlfriend like a princess. Austin has a good sense of humor and is able to make his girlfriend laugh hysterically.
by Chridtine November 13, 2013
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Verb - A phrase used to describe a person or action of such density and/or idiocy that it must be shared with others, commonly through social media. Also see "retard", "fuckwit" and "facepalm".
''I'm pulling an Austin; Jimmy just tried to call himself using his own phone and the people of the internet must be told. ''
by Lasisalunatic May 14, 2013
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The process of Jizzing in your pants when having interactions with members of the opposite sex.
"Dude, I hugged Lupe and I totally pulled an Austin!".
by bluuecheese123 April 1, 2010
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The act of walking in on two people having sex and then trying to insert your penis into the hole that is currently vacant. All while making gargling/growling sounds.
Bro, i totally gave Patrick and Katie a Dirty Austin on Friday.

Katie: Patrick and I were in bed on friday and got totally dirty austined by the english crew.
by The English Crew March 31, 2011
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A dry, skin-on-skin hand job with no included lubricant.
Dude, I really simped for 6 months just to get a Dry Austin”
by Plzmakethisathing November 12, 2020
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