1) A camel with no hair.
2) A white girl with a shaved pussy often containing shave burns or bruises.
Eg: 1) " can I have a ride on dem shaved camels"
2) " Danny's new girl got the shaved camel yo"
by T bagking September 20, 2016
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Admission of being another gullible marketing statistic of Gillette with no intention of changing.

From when you received the mac3 razor for free in the mail upon turning 18, going on to spend ass-loads on razors for the rest of your life.
"Honey please, were on a budget, can you please not pay $15 for 3 razor blades this time?"

"what the hell is a matter with you, I got the razor for free, I'm shaving money"
by Clean breaker April 24, 2009
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When you manscape and nik your dick.
I was on the shitter manscaping and then i shaved meat. Boi did that hurt.
by El_chopo June 30, 2021
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The month of September all boys shave from their nose down to the tip of their junk
by minename August 31, 2020
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A wonderful surname given by a MIGHT GOD to the hand chosen people. Males will have the most sexy beard and will meat the most beautiful girl. Ladys though will have the smoothest skin and will find a handsome boy.
by DanTheManDeluxe May 27, 2019
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A term used by UK street gangs to refer to someone being or been stabbed.
He got shaved on his chest 7 times now he's got a scar all down his chest.

Watch when I find him and shave him till he's dead.
by SNOWMANUTR November 21, 2022
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