An emoticon similar to :V and :U only this time he or she is looking away
why did u search this :n
by Galaxyman69 January 16, 2018
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The term you use after cumming and then leaving your sexual partner without returning the favor. Otherwise known as "the tug 'n plug" "the squeeze 'n leave" "the cum 'n go"
"Hey girl what happened with you and Ryan last night? Did you guys get it on?"

"I had a great time! I kinda pulled the ol' ejaculate 'n evacuate move though. I didn't really feel like returning the favor"
by Ejubjub August 13, 2018
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A meeting between 2 or more Gay guys, that unfolds into a orgy of people masturbating eachother.
Jim: Hey Jake you going to the Meet n' Beat?
Jake: Hell yeah! You?
by TuckerTrash25 May 1, 2017
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orlando likes guys and is a big LGBTQIA+ activist he loves his boyfriend lewis and kisses him while watching anime
person: guys i saw orlando N at the gay pride parade

Orlando N: yes i kissed a guy
everyone: we know
by I_ONLY_SPEAK_TRUE_FACTS June 20, 2022
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The act of watching oneself masturbating in front of a mirror (drumpfing) while sitting on a toilet taking a dump (dumping). This can be promoted to a super dump n drumpf if the participant is spewing forth racist rhetoric.
Jon: yesterday I totally walked in on Donny "dump n drumpfing"
Oliver: gtfo!
Jon: yeah... I'd even call it a super dump 'n drumpf on account of him screaming something about Mexican rapists
Oliver: We gotta build a wall around that shit..
by Dirty bugz March 2, 2016
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