Rap is an acronym for: Rhythm and Poetry.

Surprisingly, a lot of people don't seem to know this.
by Joab Da Truth January 28, 2009
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An activity that will have you arrested by hot Officer Ashley after she has shown you her bage
Sir Talk A Lot got busted for rapping and Officer Ashley showed him her bage and arrested him.
by Sir Talk A Lot June 30, 2011
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whingious complainus

An unwanted nuisance that appears when least wanted or expected, this creature spouts a surprisingly large amount of crap for its size. Notorious for its whinging, many are still puzzled as to what the reason is that this nuisance is still tolerated
.rap: this game will never be balanced
- .rap has left the game

.rap: good 30 odd lmg rounds into him there :|
.rap: hbp bs

.rap: fucking shotgun
.rap: no blood
.rap: all sparks

.rap: need a giant mouse pad
.rap: someone invent one pls
by wa-ns April 11, 2004
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A form of primarily (but not exclusively) black music that comes from the hip-hop subculture. Centers mostly around touchy subjects like gang violence, social injustices, racism, and controversy in their music. Has produced songs of beautiful poetry with strong messages, as well as lovable and catchy beats.
Often bashed by ignorant people on Urban Dictionary who think that people like 50 cent and P Diddy are the best that rap's got to offer.
Truth is, most of the best rap artists, like Eminem, Tupac, Notorious BIG, Nas, and Common are not often featured on MTV. Thus, people who don't listen to REAL rap are subjected to talentless sellouts that the RIAA likes to sponsor.
by Colder September 16, 2011
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Not to be confused with "Hip Pop" garbage that one can hear daily on MTV, or the local radio.

If you'll notice, nearly all the definitions have about half of the votes in favor (thumbs up) and half against (thumbs down).

Rap is very polarizing. Some people love it and some hate it. Some will say it's poetry over a beat, some think they're very clever and say something retarded like "Can't spell crap without rap" or "Retards Attempting Poetry".

The point is...people who endlessly hate on rap for invalid reasons are wrong because they're idiots. And people who endlessly defend rap are idiots for thinking they can convince those other idiots otherwise.

People who just listen to rap, or metal, or both, and go about their shit like usual are cool.

More power to you.
Faggoty Metal Head: Rap is crap!

Elitist self-anointed rap connoisseur: Dude, you need to listen to real rap!

(three hours later)

Faggoty Metal Head: Can't spell rap without crap!

Elitist self-anointed rap connoisseur: Have you even heard of (Insert: some underground artist nobody knows)?!?!

Roommate who's tired of his friends' shit: Both of you are fucking idiots. Shut the fuck up!
by dtx3 July 11, 2010
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