To place a popsicle inside your rectum and wait for it to melt. You then stand on 2 chairs and attempt to draw a map of Norway o. White paper.
Man I have a geography test tomorrow and I still don’t know what Moreau looks like. Buddy I got you, let me show you a spicy Norwegian popsicle. It’s works every time!
by Shanemane September 14, 2021
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When pee freezes inside your urethra before it comes out. Your dick would probably fall off from frostbite if this were to occur. It's a popsicle, in your dick. A French popsicle.
"Hey Jimmy, don't you dare whip your dick out, it's like -40 degrees outside!"
"Hey bro I gotta GO! Ahhh shit, I got a French popsicle!"
by Yuckfu March 10, 2022
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A watch or timekeeping device that is embedded with diamonds or other valuable gems.
by Yaminashi420 June 5, 2021
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A white girl who is always extremely cold and always touches you with her white girl freezing hands
by --B October 8, 2017
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The act of covering someones car with snow, then buying a giant 2 x 4 and placing said piece of wood on the car (underneath the snow). Then freezing the entire vehicle by using a water hose on said snow.

"Woah dude, I didn't know you had a Popsicle Car!"
by "God damnit Richard!" - Buddah February 9, 2010
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When you cum stripes into a freezer till it freezes and takes the shape of dried lava and you make your parter eat it
“Dude last night was so freaky I gave her a Hawaiian Popsicle, she was going crazy over it”

“Yo what’s that?”

“A Hawaiian popsicle is when you cum stripes into a freezer till it freezes and takes the shape of dried lava and you make your parter eat it”
by The-sock-factory July 9, 2022
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A popsicle pocket is the space between the vagina & asshole. Also more formally known as the “taint”, or “gooch
Can I rest my dick in your popsicle pocket while we’re spooning?
by KiefferRay October 22, 2023
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