When you are feeling sad, but you're always feeling sad.
"Hey look there is Tim"
"No don't talk to him he is casually depressed"
by yaboiDavid April 19, 2018
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When someone sacrifices gameplay for things such as cosmetics and asthetics.
Wow! He has a cool base but no progression!
"Yeah, he has casualitis."
by Hamsterchief February 26, 2021
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Someone who is very laid back and does not ever get salty, They love joking and have Big Dick Energy.
Jeff: I wish I could be more like Leo he is a Casual Boi.
by YaBoiPenny July 19, 2018
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The ultimate giga Chad of casual dating without actually being casually dating or not casually dating.
He's such a Casual Ranawaka
They're getting engaged, I knew that he was a Casual Ranawaka
They aren't friends, he's a casual Ranawaka
by Ranawanker February 19, 2022
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Gamers who spend more time whining on a game's forums that they specifically aren't being catered to, or that they have to put in effort to get rewards from the game, than actually playing the game.
Why are you being such a casual gamer? if you spent as much time playing the game as you spend complaining, you'd have the reward you wanted.
by Palpatine July 10, 2022
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A casual gamer only plays games casually. These are the people you see playing 2K or some other sports game all day long and nothing else. Hardcore gamers have a much bigger library and tend to play shooters, sports games, strategy games, and much more.
Friends: "Hey, Did anyone hear about the new Battlefield coming out? We were thinking of trying it out!"

Casual Gamer: "Nah, I tried to play the beta (lying) and uninstalled it because the game I always play (2k and nothing else) is much better."

Friends: "Dude, all you ever play is 2K. You're such a casual gamer."
by Iplaytonsofgames October 17, 2021
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Basically, you have a chill, lay back day with a possibility of it getting turnt up and getting ratchet.
Speedy's having one of those "Casual Ratchet days ain't she!?
by EL Ginger -.- July 12, 2017
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