he drank water and he went to the urinal to pee on.
by TBIL July 3, 2023
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Like a toilet that hangs off a wall in mens public restrooms, they can be singular or a trough and can be porcelain or metal and you stand up to use it
The urinal is overflowing with piss
by Andrew2736 June 24, 2023
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The belief commonly held by all men that while most urinals have dividers that provide privacy, it is more polite to select a urinal at least one away from another person. The farther away your urinal is from the nearest occupied one, the better. This belief can also apply to stalls, and therefore women as well, although not as commonly as with men.
"I went into the bathroom and there was another guy in there using the urinals, so I took the one farthest away from him. Just following good urinal logic"
by Animal Damage October 1, 2013
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When you use a public urinal and someone enters the bathroom and uses the urinal right next to you even tho there are several down the line
Hector: bruh somone just came and started Urinal Camping me wtf
william: bruh
by Continue, Dont May 16, 2019
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A name for a man’s Penis while taking a leak
My my my! I like how much pee comes out your urine pusher! Don’t tell mom that I seen your urine pusher
by Gmoneymight April 4, 2023
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Slang term for the University of Massachusetts Lowell, or commonly known at UMass Lowell, where Coburn hall smells like feet and the bathrooms smell like urine.
Zach: Hey, I'm transferring from Middlesex to UMass Lowell this semester.
Chad: Oh, don't you mean the Urine and Feet World?
by UMass Lowell November 15, 2021
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to park a car in such a way that you are not directly next to other vehicles. Similar to how males prefer to pee at urinals.
Yesterday I wasn't to confident in my parking skills so I was forced into urinal parking my ride.
by honey_badger959 October 19, 2015
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