Enjoying the sight
Look at all the chaos those guys are causing
It's popcorn time
by veNevvv January 16, 2022
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lil popcorn be like- "teenage be soundin like they're 80"
by artificialalien November 18, 2020
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It is fish flavored popcorn with melted blue cheese on top.
I saw someone eating fish popcorn at a drive in movie theater.
by Cactus pineapple October 18, 2020
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The shiny shell from the popped popcorn that gets stuck between your teeth and gum.
Yo man this popcorn plaque is drivin me crazy! i gotta go floss!
by rdgc5 November 14, 2010
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when you fuck the tonsil stones out of someones throat
bro… i just did the stinky popcorn and now i have dick stink
by ppcockppco January 26, 2022
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Any kind of blues music that does jive to your earhole
Man willy playin that popcorn blues, get that man a slide
by Victor feltersnatch January 12, 2022
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When people do their biological business in the washroom and what comes out is pieces of popcorn sized crap.
A popcorn dump is not necessarily the result of a stomachache or eating popcorn itself. It sometimes happens to people.
by Sexydimma May 7, 2022
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