cool skid that is cool?
by executionsz July 26, 2021
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Jan is THE guy. You tell a girl you're friends with jan, youre getting laid.

chances are jan fucked your girlfriend AND her mother.
Why is jan such a mothafuckin pimp
by WhenTheDead May 22, 2022
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The cutest person ever. She’s so sweet and so gorgeous and super funny. She’s a special girl and really likes raspberries. Don’t treat her wrong she deserves the world however she can get a bit moody out of nowhere sometimes. Usually with dark hair, light skin, skinny. She’s perfect and would make perfect girlfriend material.
by bihgonbeabih2115 March 26, 2023
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Jan Bellt gerne
by Fanta69 November 27, 2021
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People who ride motorcycles like an idiot and somehow never crash.
*Motorcycle passes by really fast*
Friend: Holy shit thats a Jan
by woogatti123 September 15, 2023
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Is a unisex name. Jans are very rare gems. They have so much to offer to everyone they come in contact with. More often than not they usually pass up great opportunities because their insecurities always get the best of them. They’re great people to keep around as they’re loyal, caring and hardworking individuals. They give the best hugs which makes up for their lame jokes and offer a great shoulder to lean on during hard times. If you ever meet a Jan don’t pass them up!
Damn Jan
by Mrgiggles772 March 17, 2020
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Jan is someone who you will love, she's the vest girlfriend. Is not very loyal but cares about you. She is very sweet and usually with a tall boy since jan is short for January and jan is short. Usually paired with someone thats not really athletic but funny,smart,tall,and from hawaii.
Person 1: "who is that girl! She's so hot"
Person 2: "Oh thats Jan"
Person 1"i think im in love"
by Hshdzhehsjehsfshheheheheh December 18, 2019
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