The changing of gameboard rules like adding another game board piece that doesn't normally belong there to create I different game with a different experience.
When my friend and I get board of the same board game we try to rule swap it with another board game to have more fun!
by LaDodgers360 April 13, 2016
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A little bitch, who is also a murderous bird and gets everyone high on happiness
Who's Dream swap Dream?

A bird.
by OLIIIIIIII May 4, 2023
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When a bald police officer gently handles your meats in exchange for other meats meant for your mouth.
“Officer Swallace whipped his meat out and we had no choice but to engage in the ole Fellsmere Wiener Swap. I’ve never had a more firm, moist wiener between my buns”
by Swivel mi timbers February 11, 2023
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Two best friends swapping their sisters for a "fun" night
Yo Alan and I did an Alabama Hot Swap last night.
by Thevoidwalker4 April 2, 2023
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Refers to a "buddy assistance" deal where Person A completes a yucky/difficult/boring job for Person B that he doesn't feel up to suffering through, while Person B tackles a similarly-sucky task that Person A would ordinarily have to perform himself, but also loathes the thought of doing.
I cleaned out Tiffany's garage in exchange for her vacuuming and mopping the muddy floors of my house after a boisterous post-game visit from our town's little-league baseball team... pretty fair disagreeable-task swap, if you ask me.
by QuacksO September 20, 2018
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The action of copy-and-pasting something a person said in an AIM conversation, which results in swaping fonts, taking the person's font as your own.
Person 1: *copy-and-pastes*
Person 1: dude what he said was sooo gay..
Person 1: WTF, font swap >_<
Person 2: lol
by danielperez4527 August 2, 2007
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