Too bad friends didn't have an episode named "the one when this show DIDN'T suck"
by Adrian February 9, 2007
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The people of witch (sp ?) i have none
i'v got no friends.....
by Starsonic November 23, 2004
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street code for the La Costra Nostra; meaning a person is a "goodfella" or "wise guy". a highly intelligent criminal who is not or not a full blooded italian.(not eligible to be made a memember of the La Costra Nostra because they are not able to follow their familie's bloodline/tree).
"hey Giovanni, this guy is ´a friend of mine`. his a good guy."
by x September 3, 2003
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The people that are always with you and the people you want to be with more then family. Someone that you can't be with out.
by abcdefghijameee January 14, 2010
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Somone/some people that are always there to help, a friend i need is a friend in deed!Also somone you hang around with.
Dude1: OMG, I just got a new friend called mya. She's nice.
Dude2:That sucks!I thought i was ure friend, cause i hate mya!
by Charliegurl225 June 10, 2006
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Someone who's there to help you zip your pants.
*stands with fly down facing friend* "Hey, could you zip this?"

*friend zips pants withough question* "The fake nails got in the way again didn't they?"

by lives4music14 September 12, 2011
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"I thought I had friends but apparently I'm trash and don't deserve love"
by Sue do nymn June 8, 2019
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