(N) A code created for the hoodz to live by; street laws that require members or supporters to follow; a code of pride
A man pulls up in a car to an adversary. He shoots the man outside of the car, and a stray bullet kills an innocent girl. Punishment for breaking a street code out of unconsideration will result in how those in the streets want to settle it.
by Stephen Le Mense September 17, 2006
by jaws1586 May 31, 2006
The code of the street; the only three things you need to know when you're on the hustle.
1) Make paper
2) Stay fresh
3) Don't snitch
1) Make paper
2) Stay fresh
3) Don't snitch
"Yo man, I just heard Andre be snitchin' to the po' bout our grind..."
"Fo real? Shit dog, I thought dat fool knew street code. Let's go ice that bitch."
"Fo real? Shit dog, I thought dat fool knew street code. Let's go ice that bitch."
by silent98765 November 16, 2009
Street Code
Never Rat on anyone….when a person gets caught do something
illegal by the police, the code is always “Never Rat”, “Never Snitch”…..
See Prison Code
Never Rat on anyone….when a person gets caught do something
illegal by the police, the code is always “Never Rat”, “Never Snitch”…..
See Prison Code
Street Code
by blthrskt October 18, 2009