A person who is constantly looking for attention that he/she can never get in real life, and says things solely to recieve attention. Often these things are stupid, obnoxious or self-centered. Probaby illiterate.
She just keeps flirting with everyone, what an attention whore!!!
by CWSL December 15, 2021
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an attention who is someone who craves attention. like emma.
by mikasatism September 17, 2022
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someone who will insert themselves into a situation or fight that they were not originally involved in just to get attention.
by unicorn_angel February 9, 2017
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The 30-40 year old woman who gets drunk in a small-town bar and starts twerking to get the attention of the 5-7 guys in the bar. It's ridiculous and saaad.
salad., what an attention whore, she's just gross!
by HOTONE45 September 10, 2022
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A label given to anyone who craves so much attention they steal it from others. for example CATS
OMG, Ainsley, you are such a fucking attention whore
by hawtie45672 November 16, 2018
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Un(a) attention whore es (principalmente femenino) una persona que llegará a sus limites por el mero propósito de llamar la atención del resto.
Un o una attention whore solera mentir sobre si mism@ para recibir piropos, adulaciones o la empatia de otra persona.
L@s attention whore tambien pueden jugar "cartas" de empatia para el resto.
Por ejemplo, diran cosas como:
"Nadie se preocupa por mi", "mi vida no tiene sentido", y mas; esperando que el resto sienta lastima por ell@ y como producto, atención.
"Ana sigue mintiendo por el internet diciendo que tiene Cancer. Es toda una Attention whore.
by SaveKekistan.exe July 11, 2017
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Attention whore,

An attention whore is someone whom is ENTITLED AF, who craves nothing but attention, someone whom is conceited and is right about everything.

Someone who fakes an injury just to be in the spotlight, who exaggerates things to stupid extents.
Please, be aware, abort mission, if you come in contact with an attention-whore.
Person 1 "Damn Mandi, you're such an attention whore!"
Person 2 "Not me, I'm just the queen bee! I just crave attention from everyone because I'm top shit!"
Person 1 "Yikes...yep... definitely an attention-whore."
by xx.a.clinton.xx November 30, 2019
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