The creator of the mexican morbid rap. The proyect named 'Weak Self-Esteem' born of the need to express the personal disregard to the constant growth of the regaetton and some movements that begin to take place in México, that refer to 'supposed' gangsters, or people that were nothing but pose or stereotypes taken from rap videos. So, the question was: How can we take this inner repulsion out? There was no other way that seems more viable, than doin it from inside the music. All the project took form thanks to Dyal, 'coz he contribute, beside with the time, with all the musical creativity that the rest of us lack of... Based on that, and taking advantage of Dyal's talent, the proyect cristallized and now it's in front of you, who're reading and listening... 'I Wanna Hurt Somebody' is, like Zizek says: The negation of the negation, the change of perspective against a frame, that makes a failure, a success... It's the Deconstruction taken to the music...

aka GkarteR
The people who are part -sporadicly- of the proyect Psychoholikz are: Weak Self-Esteem, who's the main character, Defo, Biorek, Tyzne and the talent behind this stuff, Zookepa.
his page is
by Jacintone February 24, 2010
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An individual who displays traits that one would deem as uncool or lame such as Alex Miller
You have Weak Moves
by TheMapleBoi March 5, 2019
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adj: a descriptive term used to describe a person, place or thing that is below even the most basic of quality standards.
This term can be used as a description of the person, place or thing, as in "I went to France on my vacation. That Place is Double mild weak sauce." Or as the noun itself as in " "I don't know why you're friends with Dave. He is such double mild weak sauce."
by KoztiK May 16, 2011
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Referring to someone as weak like mild sauce from taco bell
Alexander Clark is weak sauce he only deadlifts 265
by Fit kid with a big dick January 28, 2021
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A spontaneous, immature response given due to some unexpected feeling of shame or guilt.
I shot the perfect eight ball bank to win the game. Of course, Ol' Kingsford Briquette Ass - Sherocco came with his usual contribution of weak sauce, throwing his cue to the floor.
by Fwoppo (Ephduboh) Udonomi, Jr. October 29, 2020
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Weak Sauce can be used as a supplementary word for when one Precums.
"Damn bro I heard he had some weak sauce last night"
"It happened so fast for him; weak sauce"
by CUMDADDY March 2, 2022
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