When someone pukes on your dick during a blow job, then you proceed to have anal sex with the same person while they continue to puke.
I promised my boyfriend anal sex on his birthday, but then threw up and he became a party pooper.
by Perry the Party Pooper December 20, 2020
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A little, small guy who poops candy.
Omg. Insert name here was such a party pooper last night. Did you see what he/she left in the toilet?
by ABlinkin October 15, 2021
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"Hey, man, I was watching some porn the other day and I happened to see 'pooper bone' on the title of one of the videos."
"Yeah, that just means anal sex."
by zealyouth May 15, 2020
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a nickname given to Asher, an alter from The A System on TikTok. On Twitch, one alter went to the bathroom and Asher came back. Therefore creating the nickname “primary pooper”
Asher is the primary pooper

The primary pooper is fronting
The primary pooper will be back
by amandaloves1d8 August 29, 2021
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The elation and exuberance felt after dropping a large deuce.
There was no match to the Pooper's High Thomas experienced after his tasting tour of Northeast hot dog joints. He felt positively effervescent, refreshed, and ready to run a marathon.
by SheLarry March 9, 2012
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