Often used in Ontario, canada as stoner slang

It can be in a circle , in a group, or be more then weed, but thats all your choice. The circumstances don't matter as long as your smoking weed with At least one person.

Seshing is simply slang for "hanging out and smoking weed"
Cc- Hey jade wanna sesh?

Jade- sure
by Dragoñ June 18, 2022
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To smoke weed.
, it can be in a circle, in a group or be more then just weed, but thats all your choice. The circumstances dont matter as long as your smoking weed with atleast one person

"Seshing" is simply slang For "hanging out and smoking weed"
Cc- hey jade wanna sesh?

Jade- sure


Cc- hey guys wanna sesh?

Jade- whos gonna be there?
by Dragoñ June 18, 2022
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to have a sh session with other people
jerry: "anyone wanna sesh on vc?"
doug: "sure lemme make sure i have enough bandaids"
jerry: "ok im going to beans wbu"
doug: "same"
by cuttingboardd August 2, 2023
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A session of any sorts that is truly Prime. And;or of Primal nature. Ex: Primal session at botanical with dank tank and flower optimos
Primal sesh.: defined as a perfect place and timed full session of true dankie in a intimate unique moment.

this is a primal location! Spark it up!

Dude hell yeah what a primal sesh at the garden what a prime cone to chief on the dome.
by NelsBdawg321 May 29, 2019
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the ramp-up in highness following a cannabis-based smoke session, usually rising by 1 or 2 extra points after the initial peak is reached
After smoking with my friends, I went home to watch TV. It was after sitting for a couple minutes that I got PSI (Post-Sesh Intensification) and went from a 6 to an 8 almost immediately.
by rawloes June 20, 2011
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Normal people merely adopt the sesh. A Sesh Lord is on who is born in it and moulder by it.

Commonly bred in or around Normanton.
Did you see that Sesh Lord in the Student’s Union last night?
by Scranyamom March 19, 2021
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When your Dad is imparting his wisdom, knowledge or lecturing you on how to live a successful life. Usually when you don’t want to hear it.
Friend1: Where have you been? You’ve missed part of the game.
Friend2: Sorry, I was caught in a Dad sesh. He saw my report card and I got caught up for 20 minutes listening to how my life’s gonna turn out if I don’t get better grades.
by Kevin Haas February 20, 2019
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