A Meth Demon is when a person has allowed the drug methamphetamines take over them completely!
Maquoketa, Ia is home to the Meth Demons!
by bncreampie July 10, 2021
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Something that jumps around a lot.

A flea normally jumps around quite a bit, but imagine one on speed (or meth, since it sounds better than speed). That would be chaotic.
Joe, my son, had a bottle of Coke, and for the next few hours, he was jumping around like a flea on meth.
by AtlanticComputer January 3, 2021
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The intentional placement of meth into ones ass with the intent to use at a later time; usually while incarcerated. Often dispersed to fellow inmates. Commonly laced with fecal matter.
Can you believe all those inmates shared his ass-meth.
by Eric whitefoot October 4, 2021
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the addiction you experience from playing Starcraft or World of Warcraft
"John hasn't texted me back in days!"
"He just bought Starcraft 2. I've never seen craftal meth so bad."
by jessplaysuke October 2, 2011
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An individual that is extremely erratic and chaotic due to extreme use of methamphetamines it is so far gone that they don't know the difference between reality and fantasy by definition an individual who is solace and is sole purpose is it in goal in their life is to acquire methamphetamines to get high
John is definitely a meth monkey control himself look at how he acts can't even control himself doesn't know he's even acting weird.
by Lady goddess k February 9, 2020
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