100 Days when you spend 100 day doing something. Except don’t put it anywhere on YouTube because Luke the notable will strike you
Person 1-“hey did you hear about how Luke the notable put a patent on the words 100 days?”
Person 2-“yes I heard, yes such a twat!”
by Fuck pewdipie April 27, 2021
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100 delta means you have a big dick.
Oh my god becky look at his 100 delta! Its like so big !
by Decody Njoku April 17, 2018
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it's someone who is certifiably crazy and zero percent sane.
my boss is screaming like a mad woman! she's %100 crazy %0 maybe!!
by htownfinest02 June 19, 2009
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an indicative noun used to describe how horny a group of friends are feeling. the number is changeable; the higher the number, the hornier all of you are.
"Bro, sex party 100 rn man im damn turned on"

by biscoffbutterman November 25, 2020
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