A unique way of describing photographs of a macro event.
That experience of history was caught on individual twitter feeds all over the city
by Richard_Cranium123456 December 14, 2011
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A great Roblox game where you have to find weapons and survive tasks until the last person is standing. Your coworkers will be mentally unstable and will try to kill you.
by Labradoodle 2190 November 4, 2023
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A state of a higher power of consciousness that occurs when one is so close to death that the awareness of impending death is like that of surfing the fringe of death itself, and in that of the most peaceful and assuring manner.
My pre near death experience of the car careening toward mine had me realize that my body could or may not survive the collision, and hence my consciousness felt as if given over to a higher power; a peaceful and sublime place of surrender in getting ready to cross over to the other side.
by SkinVoyage May 23, 2021
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When you leave your wife for another woman and ignore all your kids, then try to control your new girlfriend, only to find out that karma has bitten you in the ass and you can't get it up no more.
"You mean we finally filed for divorce, dealt with all the family drama, got on a flight to Puerto Rico, and now you're tell me you can't get it up?"

"That's right baby, welcome to The Ed Experience."
by WiscoWhistler November 7, 2020
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Scary tag , basicaly : The game , tag (you know it) being played in an abandoned place , at night , while the tagger is screaming like a maniac.
Bro , let's play tag at night.
average tag experience: 😨
by urbandictionist111 October 30, 2023
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Something an incumbent politician claims to have during election season when they haven’t accomplished anything good in their past term(s)
“Even though crime was up and the economy was down for the past 12 years I’ve been in office, you should vote for me instead of the other guy because I have experience”
by MonsonCitizen August 19, 2022
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The absolute most hated word among today's youth, and with good reason. They invest years and ten thousands of cash in a college education in hopes to better their chances for a job, only to get told that none of that shit matters unless you have "experience", which you can only acquire through jobs. This is how they end up homeless or at least sheltered past 30.
Applicant: "Hello, I'm a graduate of a prestigious university with a doctorate's degree and I'd like to apply for the entry-level job you just posted"

Company: "We don't give a shit about your background, we won't consider you unless you have experience"

Applicant: "But I can't get experience unless I have a job"

Company: "I missed the part where that's my problem"
by Someone32143214 September 19, 2023
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