A state of gratitude, more vital than feeling "great".
From the morning of November 7, 2020, when Trump was voted out of office, many Americans realized that after four harsh and damaging years, they felt thankful. He had told them to Make America Great Again and by getting rid of him they had done so, and more, had made America Grateful Again, restoring sanity to the country that had been driven to the edge. At their masked and distanced Thanksgiving celebrations, when they were asked what they were thankful for, many would feel the answer come easily.
by Monkey's Dad November 14, 2020
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With the average internet person no longer having enough enemies to keep up with supply versus demand, people have taken on every available avenue of life (both online & offline) just to take on any new possible enemy available just for a small window of a chance to tell them... "Get born again! Go shit yourself out of your own ass!" In other words, GBA (Get Born Again) & GSY (Go Shit Yourself)!


"Hi, Karen! Nice curtains!"


"Why don't you get born again, Marcy? Go shit yourself out of your own ass!"

People can't make enough enemies these days to supply enough of the laugh demand. What are we resorting to?
"All around the world, people are telling each other to get born again and to go shit themselves out of their own asses!"
by ANOTHERDEADROMEO February 25, 2023
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When he cums in her mouth so deep the sperm goes up her nose, but then she starts laughing and swallows it back.
Last night i got a blowjob so hot that my girl went Hobbit There And Back Again in the end.
by Gandalf's Rod December 15, 2018
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An incredibly common Furby glitch that never allows the Furby to wake up, even if it's not in a dark place.

Mostly seen in Furbies that haven't been used in a long time.

Also used with the acronym "MSA".
me: I just found my old 1998 Furby in my closet. Turns out it was affected with Me Sleep Again. How do I fix this?
friend: idk, just look it up on youtube or something
by MindLockAERO October 29, 2021
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J Hope is so selfish again lol I hate hiphop
J Hope is so selfish again lol I hate hiphop
by Handle100 August 8, 2023
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Similar to a goat rope (plural goat ropes) (slang) A confusing, disorganized situation often attributed to or marked by human error.
Look at that Fernando Strikes Again the environment exploded.
by ilikememes316 June 16, 2022
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