This is how the small town of Mckean, Pa calls a person a bitch.
Holy shit, that lady is such a shovel!
by The bearded-legend December 25, 2017
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To stop eating so much food (referring to needing to use a shovel to consume more food) mostly told to a fat person
Fat person: I weigh 422 LBS
Guy: Jesus, put down the shovel
by somebodygethersomechicken April 11, 2023
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A Minecraft tool. Used to make grass path blocks.
Example :
Guy 1: "Hey! I got my Minecraft Shovel, don't worry!"
Guy2: "Bro, seriously, who uses that?"
Guy1:"*sad noises*"
by Lilas_gaaxance June 12, 2020
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When you put Cocaine on a female's ass, snort it, then put it on your dick and fuck her.
A: Bro last night was fucking mad
B: What happened?
A: I was shoveling snow for the first time and I almost had a heart attack
B: Bro you're a fucking legend!!!!
by TheMonoBro6969 March 6, 2018
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the phrase used wen u think something someone just said is really stupid, followed by the flipping of the bird or any other physical gesture that means "fuck u"
boss: shovel this pile of stone, and wen ur done theres a 2 ton load of stone in the back of the truck, shovel that too.

me: {sticking the middle finger up in his direction} shovel this, im taking a break.
by ZachL October 19, 2005
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A very complicated multi-step sexual act involving the third stall in a Walmart bathroom. There are over 100 steps, including literally dying and going to hell as well as complete anal prolapse, and giving away both of your kidneys.
"Sam and I totally did a Dutch Shovel last night."
"All the way to step 17?"
"You know it dude!"
by OuterSpaceEllis October 2, 2017
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"Bro, I totally did a Dutch Shovel last night"
"All the way to step 17?"
by OuterSpaceEllis October 2, 2017
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