A Stupid Online Chat Service That Makes Me So Mad
9:30 Am A Zoom
10:30 A Zoom
11:00 A Zoom

12:00 A Zoom

1:00 A Zoom
2:00 A Zoom

by Some Random MotherFucker May 18, 2020
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The most stupid app in the world.CHINA is hearing you.
me: So do u use zoom for the online lesson
by Elmo friend January 28, 2021
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the new snap insta and messenger
snap where? insta where? zoom here!
by Dk howard September 6, 2020
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A glitchy, pervy, whacked-up way for people to connect in the midst of your average global pandemic.
Guy 1: yo i was zooming with the dudes the other day
Gal 1: okayyyy
Guy 2: zoom is so pervy
Gal 2: okay
by _Llama_Llady_ July 14, 2020
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Where school is today, the future app which online classes are, and edit your background to a lavish mansion to show off to your friends. School is inevitable.
Jessica: What are you doing?
Michelle: Going on zoom
Jessica: Why
Michelle: We have a maths class right now your late
by a typical human being April 28, 2020
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Word used by the knights who formerly said Ni.
We are no longer the knights who say ni , we are now the knights who say Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-Ekki-PTANG. Zoom-Boing. Z'nourrwringmm.
by Plumjet09 September 29, 2021
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When you start off an argument acting dumb but then hit them with so much facts,knowledge, and evidence that they have no choice but to either stop talking or just admit that they were wrong.
Billy: Yeah, I worked For Yahoo!
Ted: Dude, dont make me start pulling a zoom on you.
by datalnklyerrr February 10, 2018
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