4 definitions by BuffaloBill555

After Trump won the Presidency, I began to write 100 Haiku poems on social media. I figured, I had 100 days to become a poet, if we were giving Trump 100 days to become our President. I found, after about 45 days, that my friends on social media were sending me any and all memes regarding Haiku. Further, they began to respond to any of my posts with original poems they wrote in traditional Haiku form. Hence, I realized, I had been Haikued.
My dear friend Haikued me and her poem was much better than mine. I like to think my attempt at traditional Haiku is rather good, but She really out-Haikued me on my last post.
by BuffaloBill555 February 7, 2017
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A large group of LGBT and gay-friendly people who see theatre together.
The big (gaywad) is going to see a play that was unfairly reviewed this week in the New York Times.
by BuffaloBill555 May 28, 2015
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Behavior Porn is any unreasonable behavior you can't stop watching, on reality television or the internet. Behavior porn is behavior that any reasonable person would not want to be caught doing.
For example: I couldn't stop laughing when I saw that woman have a satanic freakout at the drive through when she couldn't get her junk food. That was total behavior porn, I am completely addicted to that video.
by BuffaloBill555 February 28, 2016
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I have a zoom meeting coming up so I saved the link and I was so certain I would effortlessly find it again in my email so I didn't bother to check for it until the very last minute before the meeting and suddenly I realize that I am going to miss the meeting and freak out and have a meltdown.
I was desperately trying to find the info on the VIP meeting I had this week, but couldn't find it anywhere. Since then, I have had this bizarre last-minute-zoom-link-fetching-anxiety-disorder.
by BuffaloBill555 August 2, 2021
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