to have Swine flu
That person's been swining around me lately; I think I'm about to swine soon.

Yea I swined two weeks ago, but now I can come out of my room.

I think he's going to swine next, so I'd steer clear.
by guitarlover06 October 19, 2009
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The virus that caused a global pandemic in 2009.
"Hey! You were gone for an entire week. What's up?"

"Oh, I got The Swine."

"Ooh, not cool."
by southparkrox October 12, 2009
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To utterly own somebody by pretending or actually passing on the Swine Flu (H1N1) to them. Shorthand notations include: "Swned" Also see "pwned"
Jon: I think I might have gotten Swine Flu from Alex who just came back from Mexico.
Jessica: HAH! You got swined!
by Twonginator May 18, 2009
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It is a word to describe someone that is attractive.
Dang that chick is swine! she has a swine ass.
by kirby05 April 30, 2009
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to be coughing, sneezing, blowing your nose, ect. in public
I was on the metro earlier and this woman was swining all over me!
by urbanessa April 30, 2009
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The act of drinking wine and having sex.
We should get some dinner and swine at my place.
by T* Rock April 30, 2009
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