1. Slang for a thin, pointy penis. Practically useless for anybody but the owner of said Sharpie, the common response to inquiries regarding one's Sharpie is "None of your business."

2. A brand of permanent markers used to write on almost any surface with pinpoint "sharpness", thus the name "Sharpie".
Joaquin: "Hey, Rob, do you have a Sharpie?" (referring to a marker)

Rob: "Y'know what, Joaquin, that's none of your business." (referring to his penis.)
by Joaquin Rocks! August 6, 2007
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1. A long, narrow flat-bottomed New England fishing boat.
2. An Australian Skinhead from the 60's and 70's. Predominantly male,some relics have survived to this day, evolving into Second-hand Dealers or "Truckies"..even "Bikies" The Females were distinguishable by the addition of Mullets to their crew-cut hair-dos'
Example for (2):"Cripes! I thought those Sharpies on the Tram home were gonna kick the shit out of me and Davo,sweetheart.
by Brett Williams June 8, 2005
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Computer genius (bill gates, eat your heart out!)(lol).Super genius.
The older breed of sharpies tend to have a boring job, be grumpy old men,have no apparent sex drive or humour drive.
Often have a cowan or baldie in tow , or, in this case,a person of lower intelligence.
by steve January 12, 2005
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the highest level of sketchy a person can get.
that guy was such a sharpie!!! he was not just a pencil or pen...he was so sketchy he was a friggin sharpie!!
by MINTYlizzard July 22, 2010
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An adjective or verb showing how serious you are about something. If you are willing to "Sharpie" something, you are making it permanent.
James: "Are we gonna be able to get together this week?"
Seth: "Yep."
James: "Are you sure?"
Seth: "Dude, I Sharpied you in!"

1: "I am so in love with that girl!"
2: "You always say that"
1. "This time...I am Sharpie serious!!"
by flyn hawaiin November 9, 2011
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Anyone in a service or a business who is not respectable.
I needed a new radiator. They wanted to charge me $800. I called another place and they said $200. What a bunch of sharpies.
by Bubba Zanetti April 6, 2005
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Term used by junkies of some sort for a syringe, dart, needle, etc...
Jason: Yo Laura, you got an extra sharpie for your boy?

Laura: Always do...
by JO Felony March 9, 2009
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