A term that has the same meaning as "prove it" but is in the context of how many black people use it (on accident) and a few white people (to make fun of the black people).
Briquel- You aint got a black bone in yo body

Norman- Proof it
by Merc'n'Mayne March 29, 2011
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an extremely unpopular, but untapped slang word for getting drunk that was slipped to me by a guy in uptown with a red dress shirt and a really skinny black leather tie. it's really precise - that is, it really makes you think about the numbers.
I imagine "proofed" is thought of like a workout: 40 proof, 3 reps, 5 sets, etc, ad nauseum.
I've only heard it once, and no one's ever heard of it.
Also good for bad crunk jokes at the expense of drunk friends:
I guess he's too proofed for a Child-Proof Lighter.
He just went from Jaeger-proof to Jaeger-proofed.
Or goading the same beyond-the-pail* friends to "proof it" and drink even more whenever they say something stupid or incoherent. If you lift the bottle in their hands, that also helps.

*this is a pun about puking.

trolleyed is the best word for getting drunk ever spoken.
by brokeblokejokes May 22, 2006
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The most interesting and most useful piece of information you will ever learn. Ever. They are the answer to life and all its problems.
Person A: Why does my life suck?
Person B: I dont know, do a proof and youll figure it out
by mrt43 June 16, 2011
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A african american rapper from detroit who got shot in a recent club incident...which is sad and all except the fact that A) he shot someone first...in the head, and B) the only reason he was even semi-famous is because he, as well as the rest of d12 milked off Marshal Mathers. Everyone is supposta feel sooo sorry for the murderer semi-talented rapper? Fuck proof!
Eminem fan: omgawsh thats sewwww terrible what happened to proof

Normal person: uh...how bout that guy he shot, poor guy.

Eminem fan: Did you hear my cell phone ring?
by N3ro May 6, 2006
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Giving a relationship time to breathe and not rushing into it.
I’ve told my mate Alex that I think him and his new girl need some proofing before they move in together, they don’t know each other very well yet!
by Plenty of Fish November 12, 2020
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1- To make a property or dwelling difficult or impossible to break into without the use of machines or tools.

2- To make safe from wandering tuffs or damage from civil unrest.
I'm Zombie-Proofing the basement by installing glass block windows.
by Cuneus Stern October 2, 2013
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