It is when a male is about to get off and something bad happens to make him lose his hard on.
At this party I busted into a room where this guy and girl where getting it on to fuck a monkey's nut. The look on his face was hilarious.
by ChaosLord85 September 20, 2009
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Referring to 100 round drum magazines, also known as drum mags or beta mags. Most reffering to double drums on one magazine hanging below the firearm like a scrotum.
My Glock got them monkey nuts
by GotShh? July 7, 2014
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Utterly and completely worthless; completely valueless.
Bubba: That is about the stupidest fucker I've ever met.

Rawhyde: You said it, brother. He's as worthless as a barrel of monkey nuts!
by Rawhyde & Bubba May 31, 2007
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Making a big deal out of something so meaningless. Usually done in order to save a few dollars and/or headaches, but disregarding the big picture.
Jon: "My customer wants this specific package installed on the vehicle he's buying."

Larry(company owner): Well we can just put on the aftermarket package instead. It's basically the same and it will cost us less."

Jon: "But I already told him we'd get the original factory parts installed. Those are what he looked at, and what we already quoted."

Larry: "I don't care, business is slow and this is what we'll do for your customer!"

Jon: "Quit picking nuts out of monkey shit you douchebag! I quit!"
by JHop March 12, 2008
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This phrase is used in place of a vulgarity, cursing, or other wordage that is not proper for use in certain areas and situations.
"Did I drop that hammer on your foot?"

"Yes you did you Sum Bitch Pile Monkey Nuts!"


"Yo man I was bangin the hell out of your sister last night!"

"Isn't that a sum bitch pile monkey nuts!"
by Milton and Alex March 7, 2008
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you and a partner go to africa and get a monkey. when you get horny for eachother , take the monkey and disect its testicals from its body. the male can cover the nuts with his spirm and the female can suck it up her ass and shit it back out when its ready. when it comes out it will look like a dirt monkey nut sperm surprise.
i like the dirty monkey nut sperm surprise
by Michael Angelo 6 December 2, 2006
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When somebody sucks at a video game so damn bad that they might need to suck some monkey nuts.
Man 1: Dude this guys hacking!
Man 2: Nah dude you just fuckin suck monkey nuts.
by Slick Pickle July 19, 2022
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