Something so positively remarkable as to evoke 'ooh's and 'aah's from all listeners.
It was a miracle that the baby was born and the mother survived considering the circumstances.
by EvaLissens September 20, 2009
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Something which has a near-zero chance of happening at any particular time, but thanks to the infinite number of chances, actually happens fairly regularly.
The chance of a cancer patient waking up one day having gone into spontaneous remission is only one in eleventy billion, but it still happens! What a miracle!
by etheranger February 20, 2010
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Any event that takes place outside of the laws of science and nature.
Moses parted the red sea, a miracle that would echo through the generations.
by cashyjohn August 8, 2010
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A person who says " that's gay" all the time.
As Julia Freakishly looked at photos of Finn Wolfhard Miracle whispers " That's Gay"
by Justina Morales February 13, 2018
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A breakdown in the laws of physics. If one happened, it would cause a lot of freaky weirdness and probably kill you, because we need physics to work to survive.
If gravity stopped working, you'd float into space and die because there's no air. Miracles are scary things.
by 3standarddevs January 12, 2011
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It was a miracle that I was able to calculate the curve of the road when my boss gave me the formula without allowing me the opportunity to write it down.
by EvaLissens September 18, 2009
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