Hayden Luff. Hayden Luff is a type of guy who is incredibly wonderful,to have as a friend,best friend,or even just a simple human who lives on Earth. He is the type of person who might back down from a challenge but never a promise. He’ll go out if his way to say cheesy jokes,or even just simple things like “How Was Your Day?” Even though you just started it. Even when you don’t expect it,he’s always listening. Just because he doesn’t answer doesn’t mean he doesn’t listen. He’ll go an extra mile for your smile if he has to. From the little things as in if your sick he’ll comfort you,but comfort you enough where you feel good but not laughing out loud to where your sides start hurting. He is an amazing person to have in your life. He is a flirt in some cases,where one word could make you fall completely in love with him again without working hard.
Person 1:Who is that over there?

Person 2:That’s Hayden Luff,let me tell you,if you’re ever sad,he’s the person to go to!
by Anonymous_Lover_101 November 17, 2018
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When a person you are communicating with says something pleasant or in favor of your conversation.
Colton: You are dat him boy
Kameron: I luff dat. Thanks my dude
by Dat Him January 16, 2017
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A luff muffin is someone who you "luff" and is as good as a muffin. It is used a name to address someone whom you luff.

See Luff
Person A: Hey! How has your day been going Luff Muffin?!! :D

Person B: Great! Thanks for asking! Luff You!
by A Luff Muffin April 28, 2011
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(Noun.) A well hidden location with a good view and plenty of privacy.
"Hey dawg, let's go to the luff and smoke some of this bomb dank."
by gusruffle@klownacide.com November 15, 2007
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Love! Only BETTER because it's between Halley and Travis.
by Travis Hiner April 6, 2005
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(verb used with object) -ed over -ing over :

to eagerly look forward to something; to anticipate pleasure.
"I luff over Christmas every year."
"After the destruction of a World War III, I would have a hard time luffing over rebuilding."
by Brady O'Callahan November 21, 2006
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way of saying "i love you" before the L bomb is dropped into a relationship, often used my girls
Girl - "nuff luff"
guy - "what does that mean
girl - "nothing dont worry
by Shaun-the-pimp October 31, 2007
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