Cock hunt is a game that contains a dildo. You and a group of friends get together and decide who gets to hide the dildo. the person gets one minute to hide the dildo. when he/she is done they scream "cock hunt!!!" and everyone goes off to find the dildo. when the dildo is found the person that found it gets to chose what opponent has to get the dildo shoved up their ass.
Austin: "I used to be into girls."
Tim: "what happened?"
Austin: "I played cock hunt and had a dildo shoved up my ass"
*Tim tries cock hunt*
Tim: "i'm gay now"
by JacobM1998 October 31, 2013
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the practice of visiting a urban and low income neighbourhood and asking mainly male criminals or thugs for sexual favors, some of the favors may be in exchange for monetary gain
John: Yo Tyler, lets go thug hunting!
Tyler:Okey but bring some cash it will be easier then
John: yeah, lets go
by King of Turbulence May 7, 2023
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Playboy. British Formula 1 driver and bad boy from the 70's who was known for his aggresive driving and party lifestyle.
by JamesHunt February 12, 2008
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Vanilla hunting is a term used when swingers, bisexual women or members of the LGBT community are looking to convince a heterosexual or monogamous person to explore sexual alternatives outside of their otherwise normal , mainstream sexual beliefs
our married friends, john and jane, were looking for excitement so they went vanilla hunting last night and picked up a newly divorced woman to play with.
by MIAMI KITTY May 7, 2015
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Cockney Rhyming slang/euphemism for cunt. Also the name of an English politician.
BBC Radio 4 presenter, James Naughtie, accidentally said Jeremy Cunt, instead of Jeremy Hunt, with hilarious consequences. He did this at 8am.
by Christopher Homer December 6, 2010
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When a man ejaculates and misses whatever he is catching it in and it ends up somewhere in the room. He then has to search for it and clean it up.
(Teenager ejaculates in bedroom and misses the tissue) "Shit my mums coming up the stairs, better go on a cum hunt before she cleans my room and finds it"
by JanstertheManster December 21, 2011
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The name of a sport/method of pest control which has not become legal due to "human right" howevcer we must ask ourselves if this affliction of normal society is actually human and not some kind of plague, or the damned returning from the pits of hell. The game entails the extermination of as many chavs as possible within one's lifetime. Any method of elimination is allowed within the confines of the game ranging from tactical nuclear strikes and shot gun kills at close range to bludgeoning to death with another chav.
Start a petition now with your local council, 'legalise chav hunting' push the point that they could be used to test new military weapons on and to replace animals in animal testing labs, they could even be burned as an alternative fuel source.
'wooooooo chav hunting'
'let the chav hunt begin'
'I, the prime minster of great britain, proclaim chav hunting legal'
'chav hunting, the new olympic sport'
by PopeG Vth November 18, 2004
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