It is a bet between friends. Maybe for like $20 or so. When you go to the club you see who can get laid by the fattest chick. Who ever gets the fattest chick wins.
Last night was crazy, me and the boys were at the club boss hoggin and them hoes were all over me, just cant get them off.
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To exceed the masturbationg limit of 10 a day.
Me and my solid honkeys were boss hoggin' all night together last night, man.
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the act of getting real tuned up (drunk) with friends, then setting out to bone the fattest chick possible.
Dude, glenn banged a 200 pounder and beat my buck eighty, once again glenn won thursday night hoggin
guy: is he really the winner?
Glenn: who cares that shits histerical
by matty sauce November 1, 2007
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V. - To drive in a manner in which to purposely possess all lanes of traffic, whilst you're home niggas and shawties, watch from a safe location.

Usually loud music kickin from yo KING KONGS make the event more than epic.

"Yo nigga, I be gettin on my whip, and be hoggin da lane all da way down florence nigga"
by James W. - Prof. Urban Studies January 19, 2009
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A group of people who choose to fornicate in a public bathroom. Usually some kind of drug is involved. This group of people tend to gravitate towards handicapped stalls where there is plenty of room for them to roll around. It tends to always violate the civil Rights of the poor,lonely, urinating guy that uses the restroom for it's intended purpose. These Hogs are very clever in the art of deception. They tend to be found at live concerts in places like the CBC club. They snort Hogwash to thier friends about people they don't like. Giving the poor vicitm no chance at meeting new friends.

Used in a sentence:. Could you throw some Hogwash on these Hogs Hoggin it up in the Hogstall?
Hogs, Hoggin it up in the Hog Stall is defined as two rude, gross individuals who have a questionable amount of

civil class.
by LittleLamb777 June 1, 2018
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