A passionate fan of cult entertainment, especially comic books and science fiction. Often pedantic.
We started talking about Marvel Comics and I let loose the fanboy in me.

"Han. Shoots. First." said the fanboy
by Warren Noble November 20, 2005
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Biased people who think that the things they worship about are the masters of the universe. However, since they are biased, they will constantly bash opposing things instead of thinking about it and stating its positive and negative attributes.
Others say XBOX is the best for its graphics and games. Well, not really. PS2 and Gamecube has some more interesting games. And what makes a game a game is that it is fun to play with, not what it looks like.
by thesunfiredblanks December 2, 2003
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To similar effect as fangirl

A fanboy is any male who has exceptional bias to any form of pop culture who believes it's the best person or thing that has ever existed. It becomes the only thing they talk about and becomes a focal point in their lives.

Many fanboys embody their egos upon their fandom and take any form criticism towards it as though it was a blow to their own ego. To this effect they sometimes become hostile towards the person who made the criticism as if that person had directly insulted them.

Most common examples of things that have fanboys:

-Video games
-TV shows

Religious people have a similar one minded dedication to their religion as fan boys do to their preferred person or thing.
The fanboy became furious when someone in the chatroom mentioned thier dislike for Hello Kitty.
by Noel Blain September 18, 2005
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A gamer who maintains loyalty to one system no matter what. Video game system FanBoys hate systems that are not their own. FanBoys are annoying and refuse to conceed to valid points made in defence of other consoles, and talk about their console of choice as if it is the only logical choice. AKA Eric
'My friend, Eric, goes by the alias 'Nintendofreak' and insists that the world would end without Nintendo. What a fanboy. He needs to just simmer and realise that there are games on other systems worth playing, regardless of what circuit board or buttons are running it.'
by Kokomo_man February 6, 2005
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FANBOYS is an acronym to help students understand how to join two independent clauses together.
F: For
A: And
N: Nor
B: But
O: Or
Y: Yet
S: So
"Students, please conjoin the following clauses with a FANBOYS."
by Random1234567890987654321 April 11, 2016
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A boy who is a massive fan of music, musicians, sport, game, movie or a TV show.
He is such a fanboy of Iggy Azalea, Nicki Minaj and Kesha.
by Kesha is Queen January 10, 2015
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1. One who is extremely emotionally attached to a particular hobby, game or game system, movie, comic book character, musician and their music to the point of absolute obsession.

2. Excessively favorable approval of something by a fan to the point where it receives excessive praise and said person will seek to ridicule anyone who disagrees with their point of views.

3. If a particular media is a classic and then is reinterpreted by another artist at some point in the future, obsession with classic rendition may lead to excessively and unnecessarily bash and ridicule said artist and anyone who appreciates the new interpretation more than the classic one.

1. Michael Jordan fanboy has owned or does own every single magazine, poster, trading card, and pair of sneakers he's ever participated in or released. Several signed pictures are evident on the walls of his bedroom and overpriced Jordan sneakers he can't afford are on his feet. May even shave head and wear jersey while out playing basketball with friends and believe he can 'be like Mike'.

2. Led Zeppelin fanboy believes they are the greatest band ever and Jimmy Page is the greatest guitarist ever and will fight with, ridicule, and yell out expletives to someone who says Van Halen is the best band ever or Eddie Van Halen is the best guitar player ever. Also, fanboy will not and cannot like Van Halen or Eddie Van Halen because of this and may even lose friendships over it.

3. Life long Superman fanboy watches Superman Returns for the first time and claims that it's no where near as good as Superman: The Movie was and Brandon Routh is no where near as good as Christopher Reeve was. Fan feels cheated and will ridicule the film to no end with anyone who disagrees and believes Superman Returns was a good movie. Will then list several reasons why he/she believes so for reasons that most people didn't even notice or care about.
by Jake Brasco April 13, 2008
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