The act of, while having sex with a girl at the top of the stairs, simply kicking her down the stairs once you are finished.
The night was going well until he pulled a Detroit Escalator on me.
by The Rocky Road Man April 25, 2010
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When you have a lot on lines of cocaine lined up, and your team acts as a snorting conveyor belt to knock them all down.
(Person 1) Man all those levels got me turnt.
(Person 2) yeah man, cocaine escalator fucks you up!
by Raver Buzz December 28, 2015
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When someone in a wheelchair rides up and escalator and falls down into other people in wheelchairs and makes a chain reaction of never ending wheelchair chaos
Josh: haha look at those crippled people in wheelchairs falling down that escalator they all probably have AIDS!
Corbin: what the h*** is wrong with you?
Tyler: lol escalator snowballs are funny because they're crippled
by Balls In Your Orange Juice September 9, 2013
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When roommates in a townhouse, one living upstairs, one living downstairs bag the same girl in the same night.
Dude, I banged that chick last night and she rolled out afterwards...

No she didn't man, she came downstairs and fucked me too...

Buttfuck, not only did we pull off a Dundee Escalator, but now we're Eskimo bothers!
by Heather Hils March 4, 2010
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1.escalator: someone whose drinking binge escalates with Vegas-like abandon..
2. trying to go up the down escalator after a drinking binge
you are so your drinking escalates, you go up the down...
by terrilyndatoga July 25, 2010
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A weird movement during sex made by the male which resembles a moving walkway and requires very minimal thrust.
That guy last night was doing the horizontal escalator. Long story short, "I didn't give him my phone number!"
by aerdnaharas January 8, 2009
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