Derived from a small group of Lacey Township Hockey players the person scores a goal or does something satisfactory where they throw up their arms and start screaming squeeb squeeb squeeb over and over to make the opponent mad.
Just doing some squeebin and boppin .
by dyno claw April 13, 2011
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To rub your head up and down on a surface.
don't Squeeb the floor.
by A guy named John October 15, 2003
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1. To catch a small air; 2. smaller version of a "boarding" trick.
Did you see my squeeb on that rail?
by petrol July 9, 2003
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greater boston slang for a tobacco cigarette typically used with irish in the suburbs
hey dude squeebs for reebs? (asking to trade some cigarettes for beer)
by frieda khalo February 25, 2007
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The colloid-esque residue that remains after the action of "Squiffle Squaffing". In Which the sweaty nutsack from the squiffle squaff, leaves gelish particles resulting from bacteria and concentrated semen excretions on the forehead.
Tom: Ahhh someone squiffle squaffed me.
Bill: Yes!, I can see the Squeeb Squab glistening on your forehead.
by Sniderman & Smitty October 4, 2008
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