The cruel BDSM top made him rick the third.
by ShawD August 18, 2011
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Same thing as Synthetic Marijuana or K2 or Spice. Derives from the character 'Rick' from Rick and Morty. This term originated in Illinois by Rickhead scumbags that did nothing but smoke Get Real and Madhatter while watching Rick and Morty.
"Yo let me get some of that Ricky, man"
"You're a complete Rickhead, Joe, all you do is smoke spice all day"

"Honestly man I like Rick a lot more than actual kush. It gives such a crazy high that I had a seizure from it"
by luke4010 February 29, 2016
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just a casual crhistian guy HUGEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE small pp bz hour skipper
there you have tiny big rick
by Za measter September 8, 2021
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Fuckin prick. Probs has aids. Walk in his room to find only an air mattress. Will most likely lead you on. Is a fuck head.
Did you see that Rick last night? He offered me a dirty needle lol
by janeydoey January 6, 2018
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Rick is a synonym for bro, dude, or fam. A rick is a person who you hang out with often and is a good friend.
Hey rick, check out that awesome game.

Person 1: I recorded the new episode of Rick and Morty for you.
Person 2: Thanks, rick.
by Asriel Dreemurr the goat July 25, 2017
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When something bad just happened, or when something has been screwed up.
Originating from the motion picture "Dude! Wheres my Car?" In the scene where the two lead characters find out that their car has been impounded their only response is "Rick..." (Rick is the name of the officer who accidently sent their car to impound)
"Rick dude that sucks."
"Mega-Rick that guy just hit my car."

Rita:"Johnny I have a confession..."
Johnny:"Whats up?"
Rita:"I'm cheating on you..."
by Kyle Gene Campbell August 20, 2007
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Literally the best person you have ever met. He is so loyal and thoughtful. He can be so sweet and sometimes just too cool to show it. Doesn't have a lot of self confidence but has all of the bad ass talents to back himself up. Could honestly have anything or anyone he wanted.
Everything is just better when Rick is around.
by SecretWellWisher December 21, 2016
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