A baseball team based in Boston, Mass., the majority of whom's fanbase spend most of their adult lives creating petty media in the forms of websites, blogs, signs and chants to mock fans and players of the New York Yankees, the statisticly superior organization. The archtypical "annoying little brother" of major league baseball, the team and it's fanbase carry a sense of extreme unsubstanciated egoism, similiar but converse to that of Yankee fans.
If the YANKEES, WHITE SOX, and PADRES were sitting in a bar, just chillin' having a drink.
WHITE SOX: Oh shit, is that RED SOX coming through the door?
YANKEES: Fuck! :: hides face in hands:: Don't look at him and he'll probably leave us alone.
WHITE SOX: What? I think RED SOX is cool, c'mon look at him with his long hair and shabby sense of charisma. I mean you'd never realize that they are just as rigid and bureaucratic a person as you YANKEE.
PADRES: Dude, you clearly don't know him very well, that guy is such an asshole. Oh shit! He spotted us, here he comes.
REDSOX: Hey Dingleberries...hahaha. What are you losers doing here, fag convention? HAHA Im so funny and smart.
YANKEES: Yes you certinly are, RED, well, we were just sitting here trying to catch up over a few drinks and then I'm supposed meet up with the women's U.S. soccer team and go see some jazz.
REDSOX: Yeaaaa sounds fun...NOT!! hahaha Well I'm heading over to that frat party at UCLA's, were gonna get a keg and get fuckedd upp!! WOOO!!!
PADRES: Hanging out with college teams tonite?
REDSOX: Yea man its gonna be a great fucking time!!! Well I'm gonna run, all that Keystone Light aint gonna drink itself! Smell ya later LOSERSSS!! hahaha
WHITESOX: Oh man, I never realized what a stupid asshole he is.
PADRES: Yea well now you know.
YANKEES: Yea man, It's times like this that I really regret staying out and doing coke all night with those teams from the Lingerie Bowl during the 2004 ALCS.
by R.F.G. November 11, 2007
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A team that seriously needs a reality check and a flea bath, One becuase tehy r so gross and digustiong and 2 they think they r all tough and macho and on top bcuz of ONE WIN IN 86 YEARS. Oh, you no who needs a HUGE flea bath, JOhnnu Damon.. a guy who looks so much like a barabrian that scientist should test him to see if hes from teh stone age.
EX 1: After 86 years, the Red sox won, now tehy think they r the best. Ya well wuts your excuse this year? hmm uhh well.. OH! Sux fans, r u guys gonna balme is on ANOTHER INJURED PLAYER? or suck it up, be a manly team, and ADMIT U SUCK! NO DO UR FANS disgusting bunch of freakin saps!
by yankeesrock April 1, 2005
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Boston's version of the World Trade Center. The only difference is that it collapses EVERY September, instead of just in 2001.
The Democrats have selected Boston, Massachusetts, as the sight of their 2004 Democratic Convention. The convention will be held in September. This way the Red Sox and the Democrats can face mathematical elimination together.
by Anonymous August 20, 2003
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It is the worst team in the entire baseball league. Especially compared to the Yankees
The Red Sox are soo bad
by jajacoro12 September 30, 2019
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A team I actually like, along with the Yankees. However, I like the Yankees more. Want to know why? The Red Sox fans are sauntering around, saying the Yankees suck, while they've won the first World Series since 19-freaking-18. Face it guys, the Yankees are better than you. At least for now. If you keep winning the World Series, you'll be the better team. But you haven't truly proven yourselves yet. Yankees are out of your league.
Mazel tov for the win in 2004, though. I was rooting for you.
by alb March 4, 2005
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Hey cockbites, a fan has exactly this much effect on whether a team wins or loses: 0%. So why the fuck would you brag about "your" team beating "his" team? Unless you're ON the team, you can just put that dick back in your mouth and get a better hobby.
OMG the red sox won WE RULE

good job faggot, you rooted for the same team for 80 years and they finally won, you accomplished nothing.
by IEATLIVEPUPPIES April 21, 2005
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The worst team in the major leagues consiting of fat asses and horrible players. There colors are red and gay. The only reason they win is because people feel bad for them because they are so bad they only win twice every 80 years. Only faggets like the Red Sox.

1.I hope the Red Sox get into a plane crash in the middle of boston and all die.

2.Vatsal and Hector are gay for liking the Red Sox.

3.Im gay, my faviorite team is the Red Sox.
by Pat Fagan April 23, 2008
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