1 definition by yankeesrock

A team that seriously needs a reality check and a flea bath, One becuase tehy r so gross and digustiong and 2 they think they r all tough and macho and on top bcuz of ONE WIN IN 86 YEARS. Oh, you no who needs a HUGE flea bath, JOhnnu Damon.. a guy who looks so much like a barabrian that scientist should test him to see if hes from teh stone age.
EX 1: After 86 years, the Red sox won, now tehy think they r the best. Ya well wuts your excuse this year? hmm uhh well.. OH! Sux fans, r u guys gonna balme is on ANOTHER INJURED PLAYER? or suck it up, be a manly team, and ADMIT U SUCK! NO DO UR FANS disgusting bunch of freakin saps!
by yankeesrock April 1, 2005
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