Post Traumatic Send Disorder - The feeling of anxiety stemmed from the fear of a possible good or bad reaction to email or a text one just sent.
Sherrie suffered from PTSD when she sent, what she thought was an innocent text, to a guy she was infatuated with only to find out it could be taken a completely different and possibly embarrassing way.
by IstillGotMYballz February 3, 2009
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PTSD is the abbreviation for POST TWEETING SEX DISORDER.

Basically means: (Tweeting Makes Me Horny)
I masturbate immediately after tweeting, because I have PTSD.
by Master Kitty February 4, 2016
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post traumatic stress disorder. when you live atraumatic experience that follows you 4 ever. used in a g hebro song.
by diabloツ May 11, 2020
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Bitch is so prude she has ptsd
by smalktalk2 March 10, 2016
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Post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) is a mental health condition that ALU Computer Science students have after enrolling in CS for one year.
The doctor said all the nightmares I have are a result of a PTSD disease from all the discrete math assignments
by ALU_Challengers November 8, 2019
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