Kali is the absolute kindest person you will ever meet. She has one of the most pure hearts in the world. She is overall just such a good person. She laughs easily and has the prettiest eyes ever. She has a bright smile that she's wears most of the time, so when she cries, it is heartbreaking. Kali is one of the most precious people so protect her at all costs.
person 1: i just love kali, she's so niceee
person 2: she would literally lend me a kidney if i asked
by lilnoodle888 June 6, 2022
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The most beautiful living thing to ever exist! She is very awesome but not self confident. She has the coolest friends ever and she likes to make nicknames. :) She usually loves dance too.
I love Kalie so much
by havedemkiki April 29, 2019
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A super cool ripped male who lives in wealth and success . Nothing can ever break his uplifting spirits . 7 inch cock , 1.2 inch testicles, and a nice foreskin texture .
Man .. i really wish i was Kali
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A Filipino martial art focusing on bare-handed techniques as well as fighting with weapons, especially sticks and knives. Kali is often called Escrima (Fencing) or Arnis (a name given by the Spanish to the decorations on the weapons). Kali places a great emphasis on wrist strength, dodging, mobility and smooth flow. Other main aspects are the implementation of articular levers and the study of the human body's pressure points. It is a very effective fighting style, using every part of the body as a weapon and ditching flashy techniques in favor of quicker, more straightforward ones which can provide fast kills.
"Karate is a one-on-one confrontation between two honorable fighters; Kali is war."
by Michael November 25, 2003
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the sweetest cutest coolest girl ever who like to get revenge on stupid asses who they it
look at kali i want her to be mine
by wouldn't u like to kno August 7, 2003
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