What General Aladeen thinks good is Good.
Nadal: How was the pizza supreme leader?
General Aladeen: It's good! It was really good!
by stepbrotherofgoogle April 13, 2020
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Ok with remaining the same. Content
Do you want some juice? Nah I'm Good
by isoken March 22, 2004
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1. Collection of items required for some purpose, or acquired from an exchange.

2. "The right stuff" - sexual prowess/endowment.

3. See goods.
1. Hey Jimmy, you got the goods? Alright, let's get the hell outta here.

2. Dayum, that girl at the far table's sure got some nice goods.
by Tronno December 21, 2004
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what a girl says to a guy when she doesn't want him to hook up with anyone else but hasn't yet gotten to the level of exclusivity
girl: what are you doing tonight? I'm staying in
guy: going to the bar with some friends, getting after it
girl: ok... have fun. be good
by djc24 March 9, 2012
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a statement phrase referring to a positive result occurring in the amidst of your current experience
by BaeRay? January 28, 2017
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A factor of humanity that is lacking in most people. Good will is the basic component of "good people," that is, those who are nonmalignant, those with clean motives, and those who possess a lack of cruelty and viciousness.
1) Show some good will to this homeless man; buy him some coffee.
2) Where is the good will in men? I find only selfishness, hate, and the profanity of the good.
by talkshow on mute February 6, 2005
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