Guaranteed Tremendous Safety

- according to Larry David
LD: Okay, the GTS is "guaranteed tremendous safety."
Customer: So, without the "S," it's just "guaranteed tremendous?"
by Al Nieves August 7, 2009
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MAN 1: How can I find the definition for a word?
MAN 2: I don't know. GTS!
by Lisa Ems January 17, 2009
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Gym, tan, Smush (sex). A variation on GTL popularized by the Jersey Shore cast. GTS has been repeatedly used by Ronnie in an attempt to make Sammi jealous.
Come on Snook u can never GTS to much ( u kno that lol).....wooooo...2 weeks, You ready? bc im not.”
by JSGuy March 22, 2010
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"we GTed from there" "this party is lame. Let's GT"
by roni~Gurl May 1, 2008
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fuck all of the other definitions that u see on this page about cars n phrases. GT means that u are guyanese, regardless of race or ethnicity. it represents the capital, Georgetown. proud to be guyanese. wun big family.
im GT.
by rasmans May 12, 2006
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When someone asks you a question you dont know the answer to, you just say "GTS, Google That Shít!"
by Steveo77 December 21, 2019
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